• Refunds Always User Choice when the Minimum withdrawal Limit is reached ($100 or Equal to INR Value). No Products Sale by platform or by users in Our Platform. The Platform provides a Few Wallet based advertisements campaigns and Premium user subscriptions (coming soon) services. • Use gains the Income from site based on activity on sociofans website and mobile app, the same amount automatically credited in user wallet. • We Wallet Based Services, Recharge Your Wallet and Use the Services as Per Your Need. • Every user Get Affiliate Income and it is credited into the user wallet automatically when the user amount reaches the Minimum withdrawal Limit. The system allows withdrawing the wallet balance to his requested bank account on request from his profile. • Allow the user to withdraw his money after reaching the Minimum withdrawal Limit.
Minimum Balance Criteria As Per Platform Norms $100 or Equal to INR Value.
If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at: [email protected]
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