College students’ life: Participation, Perceptions, and Satisfaction

Worldwide technology advancement makes education more acceptable. Education has a huge impact on the development of human capital and is closely tied to people's overall comfort. Education ensures that individuals will acquire knowledge and skills that increase productivity.

Worldwide technology advancement makes education more acceptable. Education has a huge impact on the development of human capital and is closely tied to people's overall comfort. Education ensures that individuals will acquire knowledge and skills that increase productivity.

The favourable impact of people's productivity on economic and technical advancement further highlights the importance of education. As education is viewed in this cycle as one of the most important instruments for human progress, many educational facilities have been built.

The academic performance of the students determines the success of an academic institution. Locally, provincially, and globally, educational facilities are strategically established and positioned. The factors that affect how well students succeed have continued to pique the curiosity of instructors, teachers, and researchers.

Both internal and exterior elements of the learning environment contain the influencing elements. School factors, social variables, home variables, peer variables, and student variables are among the variables. Students can now seek assistance from SourceEssay Dissertation writing service.

Studies on the effects of various factors on students' academic achievement have been conducted for more than four centuries. Gender, age, social acceptance, culture, economic standing, language, family income, and physical temperament are among the factors that are often taken into account. Often, demographic factors are used to examine these variables.

Demography may be roughly described as the process of learning about the nature and impact of demographic forces on the social and natural environment. However, it is challenging to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of learning, and this difficulty is exacerbated by the fact that the criteria of quality features associated to the many participant views are always changing.

The socioeconomic status is one of the variables that has been studied the most. Several studies have examined how socioeconomic factors affect kids' academic achievement. The majority of these research come to the conclusion that students' socioeconomic circumstances significantly affect their academic success.

The majority of these researchers come to the conclusion that students of poor socioeconomic position perform less well academically than more affluent peers because their basic needs are not satisfied. Low self-esteem is a characteristic of kids from socioeconomically disadvantaged homes, which is another factor that negatively affects students' academic performance.

The impact of students' social origins on their academic achievement is examined in this study. The students' social origins were identified by taking into account a number of demographic factors, such as gender, age, major college, and college generation. Social elements were chosen because they have a significant impact on students' academic success.

Foundation for Theory, Definitions, and Techniques

Three groupings of nine characteristics, defined by the Theory of Educational Productivity, can be used to categorise students academic aptitudes. Aptitude (motivation, ability, and development), environment (class, peers, and TV), and instruction are the categories and their respective factors (quality and quantity). Take research proposal helpfrom experts.


The dependent variables were chosen with the help of this theory. The research's dependent variables were chosen to account for participant ability, environment, and instruction.

The dependent and independent variables were chosen as a group. We choose the following independent variables:

  • Age Gender Major College
  • college-age population
  • We choose the following dependent variables:
  • career direction
  • academic achievement
  • A social life
  • management of time
  • academic decision
  • personal opinion
  • overall fulfilment

Twenty students each received a questionnaire that included inquiries on these factors. The study's goals were made known to every participant. The participants were given the assurance that their answers would be kept private. In case of any assistance regarding term papers you can avail term paper helpfrom us.

The participants had to choose the appropriate answer to each closed-ended question in the questionnaire. The demographic information of the pupils was examined in the first five questions. The participants had to choose one answer from a multiple-choice Likert Scale for the final 20 questions. On the Likert Scale, the following responses were available: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.

The replies from the participants were coded and entered into an Excel Likert Scale. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) tool was used to look into the relationship between the dependent and independent variables after the findings were imported into SPSS.

The approach was created to examine how the chosen social elements have an impact on students academic achievement. The link between the independent factors and the dependent variables was examined using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). ANOVA compares the means of the variables to investigate the relationship between them.


The impression of students regarding the aspects affecting their academic achievement was obtained through a survey with a 20-person target audience. To determine the connection between students' social characteristics (independent variables) and their academic achievement, an analysis of variance was carried out (dependent variables).


The results show that students social surroundings have a big impact on how well they do in school. Similar findings from earlier research investigations have been reported. The degree of significance for each chosen variable should be the subject of future study. You can now seek assignment help from SourceEssay professionals.

Johnathon SMITH

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