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Best Queens Divorce Lawyer - Beckerman Granados, PLLC We are an affordable and speedy solution to all of your Matrimonial and Family Law needs who always puts you first. With our flat rate fee options, our focus is on getting you divorced as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We believe your recommendation of our firm to your friends and family is more important than needless litigation and billing.

We provide a personal touch and commitment that ensures client satisfaction. Our reputation in the industry, along with our strengths in both the art of negotiation and trial advocacy, maximizes your results and protects your interests. As a rising star super lawyer, Mr. Beckerman has the experience and skills that few other attorneys can match.

At Beckerman and Granados, we focus our practice solely on Matrimonial and Family law. That’s why you know you’re getting an experienced attorney in the field, not just someone who dabbles in it.

The law is constantly changing and that’s why we stay up to date with the latest developments each week. We are constantly attending Continuing Legal Education seminars, and aren’t afraid to get judges’ opinions.

For More Details Call Us For Free Telephone Consultation : 718-425-4280 or Visit Us : http://bgdivorcelawyersny.com/