Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Your UrbanClap Clone Development

Learn common pitfalls to avoid in your UrbanClap clone development. Ensure a smooth launch, high user satisfaction, and business success.

UrbanClap is an Indian company that operates a highly successful on-demand platform connecting customers with professionals for various home and local services such as cleaning, plumbing, beauty and wellness, pest control and more. It has grown rapidly since its launch in 2014 to become a market leader in its space.

The success of UrbanClap and other popular on-demand service apps like Handy, TaskRabbit etc point to a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to launch comparable clones and capitalize on the rapidly growing customer base that is embracing the convenience and quality control offered by such platforms. However, developing an effective clone is more challenging than it seems. There are many common mistakes that can derail such ventures if not avoided carefully.

The purpose of this blog is to outline 10 major pitfalls that clone developers frequently encounter and how to sidestep them. By learning from others' missteps, new entrants can streamline their development process and launch market-ready clones with a much higher chance of success.

Pitfall 1: Not developing a user-friendly app interface

The app interface is essentially the face of any product. A confusing, cluttered or poorly designed interface can completely turn off users from the very first impression. Both customers and service professionals need an intuitive and easy to navigate experience right from onboarding till order completion.

Some best practices to follow for a user-friendly interface include:

  • Conduct user research and usability testing during development iterations
  • Follow standard interaction patterns that users are already familiar with
  • Provide clear call-to-actions and descriptive labels
  • Optimize layout and flows for one-handed use on mobile
  • Incorporate filters, autosuggest and search to quickly find relevant results
  • Streamline the booking process with minimal steps
  • Give step-by-step guidance through onboarding and profile setup
  • Integrate seamless authentication options like phone/email/social login
  • Support multiple languages as per target market needs

Paying attention to interface design details can make a huge difference in conversion rates and overall user satisfaction with the platform.

Pitfall 2: Not optimizing the app for multiple device types and screen sizes

Today's users switch seamlessly between mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other devices throughout the day. An app that does not provide good user experience across varying screen sizes will lose customers.

Some key aspects to consider for a responsive design include:

  • Use flexible layouts like grid, fluid images and components that dynamically adjust sizes
  • Apply media queries to selectively display/hide content for small/large screens
  • Optimize content hierarchy, grouping and flow order factoring mobile limitations
  • Use larger touch targets, simplified inputs and reduce tap/scroll efforts
  • Test page loading speeds on slower mobile connections
  • Ensure key pages like search, checkout work fine on landscape/portrait modes
  • Use responsive images of appropriate sizes to minimize load times
  • Consider developing a responsive mobile web version as an alternative

Adapting the design for a range of screen widths prevents a jarring experience and keeps users engaged seamlessly across all their devices.

Pitfall 3: Failing to integrate robust payment options

Reliable and user-friendly payment integrations are a core necessity for any commercial platform. Customers need hassle-free options to pay for services, while vendors require swift payouts for their work.

Some payment providers to explore integrating include:

  • Credit/debit cards: Partner with payment gateways supporting major international cards
  • Net banking: Support popular online banking modes for India and other target countries
  • Wallets: Integrate popular e-wallets like Paytm, Google Pay, PhonePe etc.
  • UPI: Support UPI for fast bank transfers as per India's recommendations
  • Crypto: Explore enabling crypto payments depending on target market trends
  • Escrow: Consider an escrow-based system to ensure safety for larger transactions
  • Offline: Offer COD, bank deposits, cash collection options for areas with low online usage

Testing feature-rich payment modules with multiple processors helps support customers and merchants better across regions. Read more:

Pitfall 4: Not thoroughly vetting service professionals

One of the key benefits of on-demand platforms is the quality control and trust they provide through verified professionals. A lax verification can be risky, while an overly stringent process can deter good talent.

Some items to evaluate during the onboarding process:

  • Check government IDs, qualification/training certificates and licenses as applicable
  • Request service portfolio - photos of previous projects with customer feedback
  • Conduct background checks for criminal records if required by local laws
  • Verify expertise, experience and skills through evaluations/tests
  • Cross-check qualifications and portfolio details with references
  • Applicant assessment considering communication abilities and soft skills
  • Onboard only after mandatory compliance document collection
  • Allow existing professionals from partners like UrbanClap to onboard seamlessly

Background checks help prevent any unfortunate incidents due to unverified talent while still maintaining an inviting process to attract professionals.

Pitfall 5: Not adequately marketing the app launch

Unless people are aware of the new clone app, it cannot gain traction. Early marketing is essential to drive initial traction especially considering the competition from existing players. Some strategies could include:

  • Announcements on relevant industry forums, blogs, Facebook groups
  • Reach out to local media, influencers for launch coverage and reviews
  • Ensure app listing and promotional campaigns across all key app stores
  • Leverage PR coverage highlighting the app's unique value proposition
  • Promote through targeted Facebook/Google ads leading to the launch
  • Offer referral programs to existing customers and onboarded professionals
  • Run social media contests giving free services or bonuses
  • Attend local events and arrange workshops showcasing the service categories
  • Distribute flyers, brochures at contractor hubs, professional associations
  • Collaborate with providers of complementary products for cross-promotions

Creative marketing helps get the word out cost-effectively for that all important initial userbase.

Pitfall 6: Neglecting ongoing user support and issues resolution

Even small glitches left unresolved can damage the user experience and brand perception. Support needs to be readily and proactively available across digital and non-digital channels.

Some support best practices include:

  • Enable in-app chat/email/phone support accessible via the app
  • Assign dedicated customer success executives for handholding
  • Actively monitor social media mentions and review forums
  • Respond to queries within committed timelines, ideally under an hour
  • Track and prioritize bugs, crashes and feature requests
  • Maintain an up-to-date knowledge base and FAQs
  • Conduct post-transaction customer surveys to highlight pain-points
  • Share status updates on resolution of widespread issues
  • Offer alternate resolution channels like live chat community forums
  • Continually gather feedback to finetune SOPs and train agents

Prompt support helps retain users that would otherwise churn due to unaddressed problems.

Pitfall 7: Overlooking data security and privacy practices

With rising instances of data breaches, security cannot be an afterthought for any app handling sensitive user information. Some security best practices include:

  • Educate users about data collected and usage via public-facing policy documents
  • Enable consent-driven data collection and provide opt-out options
  • Mask sensitive fields like card numbers and only transmit encrypted data
  • Store personally identifiable data separately from other info
  • Implement multi-factor authentication for high-risk account transactions
  • Regular security audits and infrastructure hardening against weaknesses
  • Timely application of OS and library updates with fixes for vulnerabilities
  • Monitor activities with AI tools to flag suspicious login patterns
  • Prepare an incident response plan in case of potential data breaches
  • Consider getting ISO/industry-standard security certifications

Adhering to regulations and building user trust around privacy is non-negotiable.

Pitfall 8: Failing to cater to unique local market needs

While the core concept may remain same, every city and country has its own tastes, economic factors and infrastructure realities. A one-size-fits-all strategy is unlikely to succeed. Some localization best practices include:

  • Research top services and common household tasks unique to target cities
  • Understand culturally preferred modes of interaction and payment methods
  • Accommodate local languages across user interfaces, documentation and support
  • Adjust price points suitable for average incomes and purchasing power
  • Collaborate with local players providing synergies or established networks
  • Customize to fit regional business norms and compliance regulations
  • Promote through local influencers more relatable to the community
  • Consider tie-ups with city-specific service providers/industry associations

Localized customization helps boost relevance and gain rapid local community acceptance.

Pitfall 9: Overlooking continual product improvements

Apps need to constantly evolve with changing market dynamics, technologies and customer expectations to stay ahead. Some practices for consistent enhancements include:

  • Conduct usability testing, feedback surveys and interactive focus groups
  • Analyze app usage, abandonment points and task completion metrics
  • Monitor feature requests, complaints and reviews for pain-point areas
  • Continuously brainstorm and prioritize new features to address gaps
  • Set up a agile development process conducting frequent iterations
  • Thoroughly test releases with closed user/QA groups before launch
  • Communicate upcoming changes to manage expectations

Pitfall 10: Not establishing genuine vendor partnerships

Building trust and loyalty with service professionals is equally important for the sustainability of any on-demand platform. Some strategies to form enduring partnerships include:

  • Ensure a fair and transparent commission structure with clear policies
  • Offer competitive proposal/booking success rates and prompt payments
  • Provide access to enterprise clients requiring bulk services
  • Organize periodic meetups and recognition programs
  • Enable vendors to self-promote and expand service coverage areas
  • Give opportunities to train/mentor new vendors onboarding
  • Collect regular feedback to identify steps for greater enablement
  • Maintain open communication channels for policy discussions
  • Consider incentive programs for quality jobs, timely deliveries and ratings
  • Partner exclusive benefits with leading platforms like insurance, loans etc.

Long-term mutually-beneficial collaborations help enhance professional experiences and incentivize them to promote the platform organically.


Starting an UrbanClap clone requires navigating several potential development roadblocks early adopters faced. The industry is now more mature with best practices emerging on product-market fit, monetization strategies, localization nuances and so on.

Leveraging learnings from common mistakes can help new entrants streamline their development cycles and gain quicker traction. User research, progressive prototyping and testing iterations are key to build the right solution from the ground up. Equal attention needs to be paid to all stakeholder experiences as well as ongoing innovation.

Done right, clones can thrive while catering to underserved demands in local communities. The on-demand economy presents stimulating opportunities for disruption. Entrepreneurs who sidestep familiar pitfalls through prudent planning stand to carve sustainable ventures with massive scaling potential.

Adam Chris

1 Blog posts
